UPDATE 2/10/2020 Total Confirmed infected 40,645
UPDATE 2/14/2020 Total Confirmed 64,437
UPDATE 5/15/2020 Total Confirmed 4,531,811 worldwide, 1,441,172 in US, with 87,204 deaths in the US, & 380 deaths, 5,076 recovered in South Carolina US.
South Carolina
Total Test Results: 109,616
Testing rate: 2,129.00 per 100,000 people 5/15/2020
South Carolina
Persons hospitalized: 1,338
Hospitalization rate: 15.92% 5/15/2020
June 8 2020 The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control announced Monday 542 new cases of the novel coronavirus, and 11 additional deaths.
EDIT 6-10-2020 Total Confirmed 7,269,974 worldwide, 1,979,893 in US, with 112,006 deaths in the US, & 568 deaths, 7,928 recovered South Carolina US
i told you 01-21 then In March 2020, the World Health Organization officially classified Covid-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, as a pandemic. That means the disease no longer constitutes just an outbreak or even an epidemic; the coronavirus has now spread around the world, and will continue to reach into other countries and communities.
6-21-2020 UPDATE Worldwide Confirmed 8.8M, USA Confirmed 2.3M , SC Confirmed 21,548, Horry County Confirmed 1,417,


Location | Confirmed | New cases (last 60 days) | Cases per 1M people | Recovered | Deaths |
![]() | 12,945,505 | 1,665 | 7,001,675 | 571,444 | |
![]() | 3,366,515 | 10,215 | 988,656 | 137,191 | |
South Carolina | 56,648 | 12,106 | 20,957 | 961 | |
Horry County | 5,793 | 20,963 | No data | 73 |
DHEC, SCHA, SCMA and SCORH have come together to strongly urge all South Carolinians to actively help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and save the lives of our fellow residents by practicing physical social distancing and properly using face masks.
There is rapidly growing medical evidence that the use of face masks along with social distancing can greatly reduce the transmission of the COVID-19 virus in public spaces and places where people at higher risk of severe illness and death from this virus are likely to be present. We must all commit to wearing face masks in public spaces — if we all wear them, we’ll all be protected.
Since the beginning of this public health crisis, our organizations jointly committed to protect the health and welfare of all South Carolinians throughout this pandemic. We’re calling on you for your continued help.
Please join the leaders and staff of DHEC, SCHA, SCMA and SCORH and the physicians and hospital systems we represent in protecting the lives of all South Carolinians by wearing face masks in confined public settings and maintaining at least six feet between those who are not members of your household.
Together, we can turn the tide on the COVID-19 pandemic and save lives in South Carolina.”

Mobile Version of map: Here. .
PC Version Here, an interactive map
Data sources: WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC and DXY.
Downloadable database: GitHub: Here. Feature layer: Here.
(01/21/2020) Please pay close attention to this Virus, it will reach the USA, it will be a BIG DEAL. This is going to have a massive impact on our daily routines and day to day life! BE PREPARED! Food, Water, Rx Meds, Pet food. You should have 60 Days on hand. Do not listen to those voices that sing this is nothing to worry about. Do not Worry I agree, but prepare for the worst case,
The pneumonia-like illness was first identified in late December in , the capital city of central China’s Hubei province.
Officials advised people to continue to do what they’ve already suggested that people do to stave off the flu virus that goes around this time of year.
“People should continue taking precautions to avoid illness, including urging people with flu-like illnesses to stay home, washing hands, using alcohol-based hand sanitizers, and covering coughs,” DPH spokeswoman Ann Scales said in a statement.

Maps are tracking the spread and risk of the Wuhan coronavirus.
To track the virus’s spread, researchers from the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University have created an interactive map that will update daily to show the numbers and locations of confirmed cases and deaths. (NOTE : no need to sign in just close window) https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6
And researchers from Northeastern University, the ISI Foundation, the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and the University of Florida have launched a different map that estimates the risk of international spread of the virus, based on daily airline and commuting patterns.
In 1413, the bubonic plague was killing France, four thieves were charged with robbing from the dead and dying plague victims – a crime punishable by burning alive. The judge offered the thieves no death by fire if they would share the secret that allowed them to be in contact with the plague without contracting it. They explained they were spice merchants and perfume makers, unemployed as a result of the closure of France’s seaports. They created a potent herbal infusion – professing this had protected them from infection. As promised, the judge did not burn the men alive, leniently; he hanged them. Soon after, plague doctors took to wearing masks stuffed the thieves’ blend. For hundreds of years and countless plagues since its formulation, the thieves’ blend has been present as the first line of defense for Undertakers, Plague Doctors, and Grave Robbers alike. One of the popular blends of Thieves oil based on the Thieves story is a combination of clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary. i suggest White thyme be added also.

Sources * https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/01/23/metro/these-maps-are-tracking-spread-risk-wuhan-coronavirus-real-time/ * https://myhealthessentials.ca/thieves-oil-history-blend-benefits/